

DELIGHTED Leicester boss Stewart Dickson has praised his in-form riders but insists: “We’ve won nothing yet!”

Dickson saw his Watling JCB Lions complete the perfect weekend with the double over Sheffield and a win at Redcar to win their Championship Shield group.
It’s a terrific achievement with Leicester reaching their first semi-final in a staggering 39 years when they faced Swindon in the Inter-League Cup.
But Dickson warned: “Obviously I’m very pleased with what the boys have achieved but we have to keep our feet on the ground, as does everyone at the club.
“Let’s enjoy winning our Championship Shield section but we have won nothing yet, trophies aren’t handed out in April and there’s a long way to go starting with league business on Wednesday night at Birmingham.
“It’s very easy to get carried away with the start we’ve made and we feel, like the supporters, it’s difficult not to get carried away.
“We must show respect to everyone we race and I’m sure other clubs will have noticed our recent results and will up their game when we come knocking.”
Dickson also has a message for the loyal Leicester fans.
He said: “Let’s show the team how much we are behind them and get along to the Paul Chapman and Sons Arena on Saturday night and give the team a rousing reception after reaching the semi-final.”
After Wednesday’s trip to Birmingham, Dickson’s men face Newcastle at home on Saturday in league action with the usual 7.30pm start and children under 16 free.

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